Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Living a Wonderful Life

I've just turned 24, and with it comes contemplation and reflections about life. What do I want with my life? So I made a list of the things that I want to do and experience.

One original item on the list is taking a photo each day starting on my 24th birthday. Then I felt that it's too much to ask from me. I revise the item to be one photo blog entry a day (except on days when I post a "bulletin"), with posts on weekends optional.

Hereunder is my second entry for this year. I should have started last Sunday, but I haven't rewritten my task yet that time so I was concerned only to take a picture, plus it's a weekend anyway.

I don't have a recent photo, but this one feels just right. It's from Princess' camera, probably taken also by her, shot during our graduation party in 2005, more than three years ago. I remember I was sick that time, but I just had to join the party. Living the moment, enjoying the night, having fun!

I love it ;)